Kowy Cares
Kowy Founder - Alessandra Marzano

our purpose

Empowerment Through Kowy®

At Kowy®, we believe in the power of giving back and making a difference in people’s lives. Our commitment extends beyond creating beautiful accessories; we aim to enhance lives through improved vision and confidence.

Our mission is to bring joy and happiness by delivering exceptional products that promote self-confidence, connection, and inclusion. Kowy® jewelry offers versatility and personalization, celebrating the uniqueness of every individual.

Why Kowy® Was Founded

Kowy® started out as a way to combat bullying through the use of personalized frame accessories. Since then, Kowy® has transformed the world of accessory fashion as we know it! This interchangeable piece is designed to attach to your frames, necklaces, bracelets, and rings. These fun jewelry pieces allow you to personalize your style like never before. We’re helping kids and adults find their voice and style through our products!

Kowy’s® Dedication To Stop Bullying

Kowy® is dedicated to giving back by helping children obtain proper eye care. We believe that eye care and eyeglasses should be accessible to everyone.

We’re doing our part by partnering with schools and eye care professionals to provide vision exams and glasses. By providing eye examinations and glasses to those in need, we’re helping individuals see more clearly!

Together, we can make a lasting impact on the vision health of communities around the world. Join us in our efforts to promote better eye health for all!

Why Kowy Cares

Our Story’s Beginning In Helping Kids

Our journey started when we discovered that the high cost of eye exams played a signifcant barrier within a child’s learning abilities inside a local charity school. Since then, we made it a mission to provide eye exams to those in need. Our first student was a six-year-old girl that received an eye exam way before Kowy® officially launched.

We want to spread the word that a simple, caring gesture can have an everlasting impact. By connecting people, we can achieve greater horizons.

If you are an ophthalmologist or a school representative who wants to help our mission, please send us a message at contact@kowy.co.

Kowy®’s Purpose: Bringing Joy to People’s Lives

By connecting ophthalmologists with institutions such as daycares, schools, and other non-profit organizations, we’re able to make eye exams and glasses accessible.

We also advocate for creating meaningful connections by bringing people together without the need of monetary donations. You’d be surprised at how much you can inspire others by bring people closer!

We strive to continue providing people with proper eye examinations with every high-quality product that we produce.

Kowys Purpose Bringing Joy to Peoples Lives

Let Kowy® Bring Happiness to Your Home Too!

We help children embrace wearing glasses confidently and without fear of judgment to combat bullying. We hope to encourage children to always wear their prescription glasses with the help of our Kowy® accessories. We believe that one of our designs can create a special bond and sense of pride.

Join us in making a difference. You can do your part to help worldwide.
Thank you.

The Kowy® Team